Day 7 at Disney World
Started out my last full day at the parks, at the Animal Kingdom. Got there right before they let us in at 7:30 am. Got on the Nav’i River tour. No line for the 5-minute ride. Trekked over to the Safari Tour and went on 3 times. The reason being, I wanted to get good photos of the baby Hippo and the Lion. Both goals were accomplished. I then got over to the Maharjah Jungle Trek. It is located in the Asia section of the park. I went to go see the baby Tiger Cubs. I was able to get photos with the Mother and one of the Cubs.
I left at 10:13 am. Heading over to Epcot.
Got inside Epcot at 10:55 am. Headed straight for Frozen. The hardest ride to get in in Epcot, I got my Fastpass 60 days ago. Got on the ride at 11:30 am .it is a good ride. Pretty quick but full of animatronics. And lots of music. Went inside China to watch the “Reflections of China”360-degree film. It was pretty interesting. About the history of China and its different cities.
Walked around the World Showcase to stop at the Fish and Chips stand in England. The one food item I wanted to eat. I think this is the first time this trip I actually stopped to eat. Usually, I’m in line for a ride.
I went over to Test Track to get my 101 ride. I got selfies with Ray, Katie, and Steph. That was at 1:25 pm. I’m now taking the monorail to the Magic Kingdom via the Transportation Hub. I took the Ferry from the hub.
Arrived at the Magic Kingdom at 2 pm. I went to see The Hall of Presidents Show. It was pretty cool. Right after, I finally caught up with my Friend Emerson S. She was working the parade. She was working at Test Track when I came in April. It was great to visit for a few minutes. And of course to get a selfie and have her autograph the 100 Test Track sign.
I have 3 FastPass’ to use today. So I used the first one on Big Thunder. It is twice as long as it’s California counterpart. I used the 2nd one in Peter Pan. I want to see if it is any different than Disneyland. The one at Disneyland is more vibrant.
I took the 2 Monorails back to Epcot. Got to Epcot at 5:40 pm
Arrived at Test Track at 5:47 pm. Got a photo with Courtney. Got on for ride 102 at 6:30 pm. Ride 103 at 7 pm. Took a break and got Chinese food. Back to Test Track and 108 rides by the end of the night. Got photos with Paige, Adam, and Lauren.
Used my last Fastpass on Soarin’. Ran into Casey from Disney Daily. Great to see her.
Back to Test Track tomorrow to reach 111.