1000th lap this year.
I was feeling a little charged when I arrived at Radiator Springs Racers Saturday night. I just watched American Pharoah win the Belmont Stakes and become the first horse since 1978 to win the Triple Crown. So it wasn’t until I got out of the car, that I noticed it was my 1000 lap of the year. Not that big of a deal when I have a bigger number to reach: 5000 all time by the end of year.
But I will never forget my 1000 lap from last year. It was the beginning of this crazy adventure.
One of The Leads of the day, Eddie O., wanted me to keep telling him or Eddie C., when I was getting close to 1000. Didn’t really know why, but I told him when I was on lap 999. Once they saw what car I got in, they tagged the car. So after the race, the car was pulled into the GWD area of the ride. A bunch of the Pit Crew members were there waiting for me. As I got out of the car, they said, ” we hear you have 1 more lap to reach 1000″. Five of the cast members got in the car with me. They even mentioned that we were in Red 1. Which is the John Lassiter car. So it was by chance I was in this car for lap 1000. The Pit Crew in the car with me were Ruth C. and Carlene B., in the front row and Eddie C, John G., and Andres L. In the back row. We lost the race. That did not matter. After, we took pictures with the cast members and they gave me a Piston Cup Trophy, A drawing of the ride, drawn by the members of the Animation Academy, and a Cars art piece that Eddie C. made. I was happy to just ride with the crew. Everything else was a bonus. Which I will always be grateful for.
I could of stopped there. Not me. That was the boost I needed to continue turning laps. A few of the Pit Crew even told me, they were glad I did not stop.
My favorite laps at Racers will always be the ones with my Pit Crew family. A few times, I’ve gotten to ride with them on their days off from Racers.
So as I race towards 5000, I will always remember that 1000 lap and how it all started the fun times at Racers for me. Getting to know, ride with, and taking photos with my Racer family. Ka Chow.
All photos left to right:
Eddie C., John G. And Andres L. in back row.
Ruth C., myself and Carlene B. In front row
Art piece made by Eddie C., Piston Cup Trophy, and drawing by Animation Academy signed by Pit Crew members
Cian, Eddie, John, myself and Carlene
Back row me and Pit Crew member Catalina.
Front row Pit Crew members Carol, Yeseina and Carlene
2000 lap car with back row of Catalina, me and Katie. Front row of Ruth and Carlene.
The first lap of 2015 after reaching 2400 laps for the year
Back row of Sonjia, me and Jared.
Front row Marc, Carina and Arleen.
3000 lap with Carlene B, on her day off. She is the one with the Tigger Ears.
Me with former cast member Katie H., and her husband Glenn H.