Sarah Michelle Gellar
You know I most certainly needed to do a blog about my favorite actress. This is the first time that Sarah Michelle Gellar has ever gone to a convention. Even during the Buffy The Vampire days, she never did any photographs or signings. So when I saw she was going to be at the Star Wars Celebration, I had to sign up for a photo and autograph. This could be my only chance ever. My friends Heather and Jon also came to the Celebration. They only came to get the photo and autograph. Also to visit the Disney World Resort while they’re in Orlando. Like Amos and I are going to see starting tomorrow night.
Amos and I got to the Convention Center at 6:30 am. We got in the queue to the showroom floor. They started letting people onto the floor at 10 am. I went straight to the Photo and Autograph hall. I waited there until they called us into the line for Sarah at 11:30 am. At noon they started letting people in to get photos with her. When it was my turn, I said “hi”. Sarah also said, “hi”. After the photo I thanked her and she said, “your welcome”. Heather and Jon got there photo right after me. I also got the download besides the hard copy photo. We then got into the line for the autograph. She was not signing until 2pm, but they let us line up at 1pm. She starting signing at 2pm. A bunch of us in line sang her Happy Birthday. When it was my turn to have my photo autographed, I also wished her a Happy Birthday. She thanked me. She saw our photo and said, “that a good picture”. I said, “because she was in the photo”. She said “awe”.
Today was a dream come true for this fan. Feel very blessed to have gotten this opportunity. I will treasure this moment the rest of my life.
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sarah before signing autographs
My photo after Sarah signing
My friends Jon and Heather