Star Wars Celebration Day 1
Amos and I camped out overnight in the Convention Center. We were in a queue line waiting to get a wristband for the 40 years of Star Wars panel. No sleep. We were on cement floors. They even brought in a Deejay to play music from about 12:30 am to 2 am. They got everyone to gather up their stuff at 5 am. Just after 6 am they started giving out the wristbands. We then walked all the way around the hall and got back in the same queue line we were in before. Now we get to wait a few more hours before they take us up to the Stage for the panel. I sure hope it is worth all the wait.
At 10:30 am they finally let us go to the Galaxy Stage on the 4th Floor. It was a crazy mad dash to the stage. We got to sit about 16 rows from the stage. But they had 3 large monitors to also view the panel better.
George Lucas was the main guest. He talked about the making of Star Wars and the cast. The other guests were Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams, Peter Mathew, Ian Mcdiarmid, and Hayden Christensen. They were all great. They then brought out Mark Hamill. He was great reminiscing about the films. Then a surprise guest, Harrison Ford. The audience went crazy. George Lucas and Kathleen Kennedy talked about Carrie Fisher. It got a little emotional. Carrie’s daughter Billie also talked about her mom.
When we thought the show might end, they opened a curtain and John Williams and the Atlanta orchestra had a very moving tribute to Carrie. It seemed we were all crying by then.
They even passed out Carrie Fisher posters as we left the hall.
It was a good tribute to the first 40 years of Star Wars.
And yes it was very much worth the wait.
Amos waited to get his photo with Hayden Christensen as I waited to get into the Celebration Store. Amos beat me. He got his photo at Hayden before 4:30 pm. I was stuck in line for over 3 hours.