Tinkerbell Half Marathon

Woke up at 2:15am this morning to get ready for The Disneyland Tinkerbell Half Marathon. I taped up my feet and calfs with KT tape. Did not want my feet to slow me down today. I got to Disneyland before 4am. I met up with Christina C. We waited for Catalina S. to show up. She was running a little late. After a final bathroom break at the Paradise Pier Hotel, we entered our corral for the race. We were in Corral E. Corral F was the only Corral behind us. The official race started at 5:30am. The 3 of us started the race at 5:54am. I took off walking fast. My Nike App had me at a 14:21 pace after mile one. Close to 2 miles I heard Catalina yell out my name. She was running to catch up to me. Christina was having pain in her legs and had to stop after she got to the 5K mark.

Catalina and I hit the 5K mark in 46:57. A pace of 15:06 per mile.

After we had gone almost 4 miles, we both used the restrooms by the Hyperion Theatre inside DCA. Then we were off again.  We stopped after mile 5, so Catalina could put on some BioFreeze they had at the first aid tent. Her lower back and legs were sore. We got outside of the parks and onto Walnut street before mile 6. We saw Racers cast member Desiree L. and she helped cheer us on. The course went north and took a right turn over the 5 Freeway. We headed to Downtown Anaheim. They passed out Clif Energy Gels to eat before mile 9. They had water and Powerade every mile and a half, during the race.

We then went south on Harbor and made left on Ball Road. Then right on Anaheim Blvd. Then right onto Disneyland Way. And right on Manchester. We stopped briefly for Catalina to get more BioFreeze.  This was at mile 11. Manchester took us back to Harbor. We went south and then headed back on Disney property. We walked through a tunnel and mile 12 greeted us on the other side. When we got within a hundred yards from the finish, Catalina  got me to jog across the finish line. I walked the whole race until that last bit.  The Disney tracker on our bibs, had us crossing the finish line after 3 hours 29 minutes and 41 seconds. For a 16 mile pace. I also used my Nike Run App during the race. The app pauses when you stop. We stopped 3 times. Nike said we did 13.3 miles in 3 hours 24 minutes and 37 seconds. A pace of 15:21 per mile.

My first Half Marathon in the books. Catalina and I helped each other get through the race. I walked and she would jog a little bit and I would catch up.

We will see what the future holds. I’m signed up for the the Disneyland 5k in September and the Avengers 10K in November. I’ll see what I may want to do  after that.

Of course I’ll be back to Racers to continue the race to 10,000 laps.
Catalina made are racing shirts

Before the race with Catalina and Christina
We even walked by Radiator Springs Racers
At mile 8
After we finished
Showing off the bling. Catalina got an Extra medal for doing the 10K and Half Marathon. 
The course
My Nike App

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